
Details of forthcoming 2024 Workshops .

Our last workshop: Helen Truckle, who is a member of the club, did a brilliant workshop on 20th April 2024, all day Saturday, based around watercolour landscape entailing learning techniques and colour interactions.  

We are now taking a summer break, but watch this space for dates of future workshops.





Past Workshops


"We had a lovely and very entertaining day with John Skinner on Saturday, 25th February.  

We spent the morning learning how to paint a loose and cuddly bee, and then, in the afternoon, we did a step-by-step pasture with atmospheric skies and sun-drenched fields and decorated with mixed hedgerows and trees, with the occasional glimpse of a church tower peeking over the distant trees. 

On the whole, we all went home with some new techniques and a couple of decent pieces of work.

As always, many thanks to John Skinner for treating us to a very happy and tiring day, with the promise of a future workshop covering buildings, market squares and people.  Date to be confirmed.

Thanks to all who made the day a success."

Jacqui Thomson




Saturday 28th January - David Norman - Watercolour

We had a great workshop with David Norman on Saturday with a full house of workshop artists. David gave us a masterclass on painting 'light' with watercolours, as well as some fun tips on how to use masking tape which we'll share at the next art sessions. A big thank you to David for an informative and entertaining day.



The above workshop was on the subject of Botanicals.  Everyone could choose which medium they wanted to use and most of the examples are in water colour or graphite.  Paul began by demonstrating how to draw flowers using quite a simple format and then fill in the details.  Paul brought along a selection of flowers and pot plants to choose from and then asked us to concentrate on approx. three flower heads.  As we were all painting, Paul would helpfully go around talking to individuals about technique and colour to assist where necessary.  An enjoyable and informative day's painting....



Book making workshop with Kathie Weedon 

Saturday September 14, 2019, 10-4 pm.
Kathie provided all the materials to make a hand made book with a spine.
We all produced 2 books. Some had fabric covers, others had traditional paper covers- what ever we fancied.
The inside of the books were filled with sketching paper, cartridge paper, water colour paper and lined paper- again whatever we decided.
Some of us decorated the books with buttons .

I believe there were 10 members who enjoyed the day.

Kathy Bewsher Workshop - Book Making- 13th April 2019

No drawing or painting just a group of members folding, cutting and glueing to create lovely hand made books

Careful step by step directions from Kathy enabled us to master our introduction into the art of bookmaking

An excellent and fulfilling day skilfully lead by Kathy and enjoyed by all 

A return visit is planned for Autumn






Watercolour Pencil Workshop with Kari McGowan - Sat. 9-3-2019

Please find below some images for what was a very interesting and informative workshop





Workshop with Paul Kettle-Buchanan

Saturday 26th January 2019


Today we enjoyed the expertise of the famous Wildlife Artist Paul Kettle-Buchanan who spent the day challenging our artistic abilities!
I believe we all enjoyed this workshop as Paul took us out of our comfort zones.
A full house with 16 artists who all took home something to think about especially when we draw an oranges or lemons.

Jan Newton




Jayne Farleigh Workshop - 24th Nov 2018


Jayne Farleigh commented on Face book “The Newton Abbot Art Group were fab today.  Look at their wonderful paintings!  A talented bunch.  Great work in only 5 hours”.

 As already stated Jayne was very helpful to each individual who attended her workshop and made the experience very informative and enjoyable.

Polar Bear (on Ice Flow) – Margaret Hadley

Polar Bear (under water) – Lesley Byers

Lamb – Jacqui Thomson

Ginger Cat – Pat Tout

Exotic Cat – Helen Truckle

Polar Bear (under water) – Theresa Grove-Jones

Emperor Penguins – Sheila Stokes

Irene Hill – Leopard (spots to be added!)



Tony Homer Workshop - 20th Oct 2018


On Saturday, 20th October we had a very enjoyable workshop with Tony Homer, a local and well-known artist from Teignmouth.  His work ranges from landscapes, sea and estuary scenes, through to town studies, mostly abstracted to a degree and all in remarkable brilliant colours. 


 He started by showing us how he started by giving the white paper a wash of colour, then drew into these washes with scenes taken from his prolific sketch books. He worked in layers and glazes of colour, gradually building them into an intricate, multi-layered surface, including collage drawn from multiple sources.  Surprisingly, when the group's finished works were displayed, they were all so different, even though they all employed the techniques demonstrated by Tony, as can be seen from the photographs.


I know that, when I arrived home, I was absolutely tired out, but also inspired to continue using the vibrant colours that made Tony's artwork sing.


Thank you to everyone who made the workshop a success, and also to Tony, for giving us a leg-up into abstracting and collage techniques.


Jacqui Thomson





Jayne Farleigh - Demo Friday 21st Sept

Feeback from -

Amy Mc Carthy - Stained Glass Workshop - 29th June 2018

Ten members of our Group had a full day’s stained glass workshop at the site of  ‘Newton’s Place’.  This workshop  gave the opportunity to create small glass artworks inspired by objects from Newton Abbot’s museum collection and the Group  worked on various of stained glass techniques

Many thanks to Amy McCarthy and  Kate Green of the Newton’s Place team for arranging the stained glass workshop.


Keri McGowen - Pastel Demo and Workshop - 27/28 April 2018

On Friday 27 April we were treated to a lively demo by Keri McGowen .

Pastel painting of the Moors was her subject- one dark and moody and another one was daylight on the moors.

 She showed us how to really scrub with the heel of our hand ,the pastels into the surface of the paper ,to build up the many veils of colour she said.

It was an interesting evening.

The workshop on Saturday was attended by 11 members plus Keri . As you can see ,everyone brought All their pastels and pastel pencils . Again the moors was the main subject but you could do your own picture as well.

We covered the floor with a ground sheet as pastel dust can mark the floor. Lots of hands covered with colours.

I am sure everyone was very productive especially Dinah who finished at least 4 pictures.covered with colours.

I am sure everyone was very productive especially Dinah who finished at least 4 pictures.


Paul Freestone - Watercolour Workshop - 17 March 2018

Skies,Seas.Flowers and Aninimals were the areas covered by Paul in this workshop introducing some new techniques to this watercolour session

Despite the weather a pleasent and relaxing day was enjoyed by the members who attended

Rosemary Ensor - Abstract Workshop - 3 Feb 2018

Had a lovely workshop yesterday, with Rosemary Ensor . She talked us through the developmental stages of producing an abstract work of art, and many were so engrossed in their painting that they didn't even pause for lunch. Personally, I was tired out when I got home. Brilliant day was had by all that attended. Thanks to everyone who came, and also to Rosemary, for making it a really worthwhile, intensive day. The following photos were taken by Rosemary, who emailed them to me this morning



Linda Hampson - Colour Pencil Workshop - 20 Jan 2018

Many thanks to Linda Hampson today, for giving us an intensive introduction to making art with coloured pencils. Absolutely fascinating,
and the time flew by. Learned so much about building up layers and also, how to 'do' a dewdrop on flowers!! Which led very tidily into how to 'do' a bird's eye convincingly. What we also learned was, that there is so much more to learn about this neglected and under-appreciated medium. All in all, a very successful workshop. Thanks to all who participated, and well done on the work you all did - we were way outside our comfort zone, but responded well to the challenge.

Jacqui Thomson




John Skinner Workshop - 18th Nov 2017

A well attended and entertaining workshop was lead by local watercolour artist John Skinner

With  generous knowledge and various tips the attendees were guided by John via  friendly critiques to creating various pleasing artworks

The NAAG look forward to John's return in 2018


Paul Reilly Demo - 13th Oct 2017

Jan Newton writes :-

Paul Riley local Devon artist.

Very interesting artist, keen to pass on tips, painted flat on table.

Had a large collection of brushes which he loved talking about.

He kept a lot of white space in his paintings which made his paintings appear very fresh and clean.

The Magic of Watercolour Flowers is his book- very informative. 

A very nice man- we should have him again.




Greg Wellman Demo - 20 January 2017

We had a real treat in store on Friday 20th January when Tiverton based artist Greg Wellman demonstrated his skill with acrylic paint, bringing a wild buffaloall the way from Kenya's Maasai Mara Game Reserve to the Burdett  in Newton Abbot with just a few brush strokes.

Greg gave us a very entertaining demo, full of anecdotes and tips, as well as a master-class in wildlife painting.


Dick Smith - Workshop - 12 November

Fabulous Workshop with Dick Smith today.


Dick gave everyone two miniature framed pictures to paint, to start everyone off.  The resulting tiny pictures were amazing

and encouraged everyone to go on to bigger works using pallet knife and filler to give texture.  The workshop was great fun

and we all got thoroughly ‘painty’.  Attached are some photos of results




2016 Programme - please see our Calendar page for list of forthcoming demos and workshops.

21 MAY - All day demo and workshop with Angie Carter-Woodward

16 APRIL - Evening demo of mixed media with Cherry Lyons

17 April - All day workshop of mixed media with Cherry Lyons - Comments from members included :

Just wanted to say what an enjoyable and informative day I and the other four people who attended the workshop have had.  As someone who has come to painting in recent years and has used water colour very infrequently with little or no confidence I can say that Cherry's demonstration of 'mixed media' certainly gave a very interesting and for me exciting way of using water colour in a new - Janet Clipsham

I did enjoy Cherry's workshop very much. Learnt lots of new and interesting  - Margaret Hadley



5 FEBRUARY -  Evening demo of Chinese Brush Painting by Lisa Glass

13 FEBRUARY- All day Workshop Chinese Brush Painting with Lisa Glass.                                                        A very enjoyable workshop.  Lisa taught us some fascinating techniques using Chinese brushes, ink and watercolour paint.  With one stroke of the brush our paintings came to life.  See some of the results below.





May 21st 2016

Reurn visit by Angie Carter- Woodward

Following an excellent morning demo Angie took everyone out of their comfort zone in leading them into producing works based on a long winding country road

Once again members enjoyed and interesting and informative day

Not to be missed when Angie returns next year





Sheila, Jan, Bryan, Dot, Helen and Irene shoring their paintings from Emma Carter's Workshop
Sheila, Jan, Bryan, Dot, Helen and Irene shoring their paintings from Emma Carter's Workshop
Emma Carter demonstrates her acrylics
Emma Carter demonstrates her acrylics
David Webb demo
David Webb demo
David Webb demo
David Webb demo
David Webb demo
David Webb demo
Painting from Workshop
Painting from Workshop
Sian Dudley Workshop
Sian Dudley Workshop
Rob Dudley demo
Rob Dudley demo
Rob Dudley demo
Rob Dudley demo
Diana Golledge demonstrates acrylics
Diana Golledge demonstrates acrylics
Diana Golledge cafe scene
Diana Golledge cafe scene
A selection of Diana's paintings
A selection of Diana's paintings
Textures created by Jan Newton at Jenni Penticost Workshop
Textures created by Jan Newton at Jenni Penticost Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
Rebecca da Mendoca Workshop
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
M Lawes Demo
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